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February 17, 2016

Clayspades Trailer from Airdrop Bikes on Vimeo.

These days you're not a proper bike brand until you've produced a "sick edit" for the web. So we thought we'd better get involved.

We love watching mountain bike videos. At their best they can be incredibly inspiring, and get us stoked to go out and ride or make something ourselves. The speed and skill of some of the riders, the vision of the builders and the ability of the film-makers to capture it all is mind-blowing. The bar has been set pretty high.

But at their worst, they can be awful. We're talking about the blatant adverts, with the lingering slow-mos shots of the bike's logo, the inane voiceover full of features & benefits and the "buy now!" imperative. The bar has also been set pretty low.

So we thought we'd do something a bit different. We don't want to give the game away just yet, but we think you'll like it. This is just a sneaky peak.

Clayspades will premiere at the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival on Saturday 12th March, and will hit your favourite mtb website soon after...

Ed Brazier
Ed Brazier

Ed is the owner of Airdrop Bikes. A former web and graphic designer, he sacked off his job one day and decided to start up a bike brand.

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